If your computer hard disk is showing signs of breaking down - slow access, cannot retrieve files, cannot transfer large amount of data at once, then it is time to back up all your important data.
There are tools available that can help restore the integrity of your portable hard drive. Here is the link with some explaination on how to restore your disk, although some of the information may appear slightly technical.
Two important software to checkout are:
1. TestDisk - http://www.cgsecurity.org/wiki/TestDisk
- http://download.cnet.com/TestDisk-and-PhotoRec/3000-2248_4-10511775.html
2.HDD Regenerator - http://hdd-regenerator.en.softonic.com/
- http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xqi7js_hdd-regenerator-2012-with-installation-tutorial-free-download_tech
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